A new season has begun and with it a new board is taking the helm of our club. Eric Konigsmann is taking over as President. I big thank you to Joe Shaw that helped us navigate a couple of difficult seasons.

New energy has brought a fresh breath of air into the club, along with old and new sponsors that support the club and allow us to hire a professional group of coaches.

This summer, a group of 3 racers guided by our Head U16-U18 coach Gavin Preziosi headed to La Parva, Chile, where they free skied, trained and even powder skied in full on winter conditions. Two of our U16 racers have decided to pursue their skiing career as members of Vancouver Ski Team. We wish them the best and we are sure they will ski well and put the Cypress Ski Club name high in the results. All our support is available for them. On the dryland side, our program was delivered during October and November, making use of outdoor venues, gymnastics and rock climbing to provide a well rounded program to help our racers perform on snow.

I am very happy and confident with the team of coaches we have put together. This is no easy task. Hayden Sidey-Phillips will take over the U12 group, and Mark Anderson will move to the U14 Head Coach position. Gavin Preziosi continues in charge of a very successful U16 group. On the U10 side Graeme Zacharias is a very important asset to help the Program Director in delivering a quality program.

A most important aspect this coming season is to be able to use our Lower Bowen Training Centre. Cypress Mountain is fully supporting our club with this initiative and we hope we can take advantage of this terrain. This can also be another source of revenue for our club, as we can showcase our sponsors there.

Finally, I hope all our members come together to support our club. Parents, alumni, coaches and racers  need to all pitch in to make our club the premier club of the North Shore, and help fulfill  our vision.


Raul Anguita
Program Director
Cypress Ski Club