It was a long time coming, and finally it arrived. Olin Wakkary’s first place in the Enquist slalom last Sunday at Mt. Seymour feels good. Gavin Preziosi, U16 Head Coach has been working hard with his racers to improve their skiing and this is a sweet reward. Mark Konigsmann is moving up, with a solid 7th place finish. Mark is number 1 in his age group, so things are looking good for next season.

As Hans Forssander wrote “Roused by the hunt for the prestigious Enquist trophies, the young alpine racers put on a breathtaking show of skills and athleticism.” Very good skiing and tough competition was seen at the race.

Base Wagner finished 21 on Saturday and DNF on Sunday. Maria Fedoroff finished 11th on Saturday and 12th on Sunday, and Emma Johannessen finished 21 on Saturday and 18 on Sunday.

Congratulations to all our Cypress Ski Club racers. Our club is getting stronger everyday. We had not been on the first place on the podium in a while, and it is rewarding to see the improvements.

A big thank you to all the volunteers that work so hard putting this races together. Without their help in these events and in the general organizing of our sport we would not be able to provide our racers with the means they need to excel.

Enquist Podium 1 Enquist Podium 2