<p style="color: #303030;">Speed events per se are stressful. Going fast poses unique challenges, and requires a cool head to perform. The only way to achieve this is by training and racing in all conditions, as long as they are safe.</p>
<p style="color: #303030;">And against all odds, that is what happened at Whistler last weekend. It snowed a good amount, so racers and volunteers had to work hard to create that safe environment, and they succeeded.</p>
<p style="color: #303030;">Over the course of 5 days, the racers were able to get one training run on Wednesday, and one on Thursday.
Then the track was in good shape for two SG races for each gender on Friday. On Saturday one DH race took place, and the program ended on Sunday with one SG and one DH. That is an impressive total of 5 speed races in 3 days.</p>
<p style="color: #303030;">Congratulations and thank you to the ROC (Race Organizing Committee) and all the volunteers!!!</p>
<p style="color: #303030;">Our team certainly performed, and improvement could be seen throughout the days. Ana Guri and Peter Konigsmann were the fastest in our club, coming in 4th and 6th for their best result. Mariya Fedoroff also showed she is starting to go fast, and that her hard work is showing.</p>
<p style="color: #303030;">For results go to
<a style="color: #2171aa;" title="http://www.bcalpine.com/calendar/event/?event=1667&amp;cal=1" href="http://www.bcalpine.com/calendar/event/?event=1667&amp;cal=1">http://www.bcalpine.com/calendar/event/?event=1667&amp;cal=1</a></p>