Our U14 team had a great weekend of racing slalom in Whistler this past weekend. Stellar snow conditions, sun shine and -6 temps set the stage for an ideal race weekend for the 100 competitors.

Rather than the usual very steep and difficult pitch on Lower Ptarmigan, the gates were set higher up the slope on much more forgiving terrain where the athletes could really seek out speed and let it go (Club 21 bench to Sunset Can). This made for an excellent and exciting first race of the season.

There were several kids skiing very good slalom which made for great spectating.  Congratulations to Cody for his excellent 4th and 5th placings as well as Alyssa for her well earned 1oth place.  Lotte and Asha both skied well placing just out of the top 10 in the top 15.  Max made key adjustments for the 2nd day and  made it to 20th place on the 2nd run on Sunday…great job for the first race of his first U14 season.

It is clear from this race how our team can go even faster in slalom and we will have a good time working on that in the upcoming weeks.

Thanks to WMSC for hosting a terrific event.

The good times continue this coming weekend as we go to Mt Washington for GS races.




