The camp was a great success, and we all had a blast skiing together! The first couple days were more powder skiing, then once the sun came out we were able to get some gates in the ground! We were able to get a great couple days in on our new training centre and have a blast too! I've included a bunch of pictures down below of the group on a couple different days.

<a href="" rel="attachment wp-att-1356"><img class="wp-image-1356 size-medium" src="×169.jpg" alt="20160102_132018_resized" width="300" height="169" /></a> The group above the run "Under the Volcano"!! My attempt at a selfie with everyone. <a href="" rel="attachment wp-att-1355"><img class="wp-image-1355 size-medium" src="×169.jpg" alt="20160102_131950_resized" width="300" height="169" /></a> The group on "Under the Volcano". Sat, Jan 2nd. <a href="" rel="attachment wp-att-1354"><img class="wp-image-1354 size-medium" src="×169.jpg" alt="20151231_120000_resized" width="300" height="169" /></a> The group on "Under the Volcano". Thur, Dec 31. <a href="" rel="attachment wp-att-1352"><img class="wp-image-1352 size-medium" src="×169.jpg" alt="20151230_140643_resized" width="300" height="169" /></a> Top of Raven Chair! <a href="" rel="attachment wp-att-1351"><img class="wp-image-1351 size-medium" src="×169.jpg" alt="20151223_114027_resized" width="300" height="169" /></a> Going up Lions chair! Powder central!! <a href="" rel="attachment wp-att-1350"><img class="wp-image-1350 size-medium" src="×169.jpg" alt="20151223_074746_resized" width="300" height="169" /></a> The kids gave me a nickname after this cat I was looking after over the holidays. His name is turtle.
