Cypress Ski Club
Our non-profit organization has been dedicated to providing quality and affordable ski programs where children can develop to their full potential in a fun, friendly, and safe environment. The club is active both on and off the snow and has a great family spirit which helps to develop friendships and a life long love of the outdoors.
We offer programs specifically designed for each age group and are based on Alpine Canada Alpine (ACA) coaching tools including the Long-Term Athlete Development Plan and BC Alpine guidelines. Our professionally trained Alpine Ski Coaches are highly motivated and knowledgeable individuals who strive to bring out the best in our athletes in a positive, challenging and fun environment!
Cypress Mountain U14 Teck Coast Zone Race
Our volunteer sign up sheet is open! Check out our event pages for details.
Buy a 50/50 Ticket for a chance to win up to $10K!
Stay tuned into the course ahead, receive some reflection on recent events, and important club news.
Thank you to our sponsors!
Cypress Mountain
Odlum Brown
Orr Development
Roper Greyell
Blue Ruby Farm
British Pacific Properties
Would you like to support Cypress Ski Club? Become a sponsor.
New Head Coaches for U16 and U12 this coming season
In our club's continuing effort to deliver a program of excellence, we have hired two outstanding professionals to head the U16 and U12 programs. Gavin Preziosi has been on skis...
1st Alpine Athletic Champion U16 Challenge held on Oct. 20
This event, held for the first time is aimed at testing the fitness of U16 racers from the Coast Zone. Our club participated with 7 racers, 5 boys and 2 girls. U16 racers this...
AGM, Welcome Back BBQ and Trunk Sale
Hi Cypress Families!! Mark your calendars and gear up for the Cypress Ski Club AGM, Welcome Back BBQ and Trunk Sale on Sunday, October 27th !!! - Learn about what’s new in the...
Our Club at the 2013 West Van Pumpkin Festival
It was a gorgeous day yesterday at the Pumpkin Festival. In our continuing effort to make the Club known to the community, we participated in this event that is held annually at...
January 2018 Newsletter
CSC newsletter January 2018
Cypress Mountain
Odlum Brown
Orr Development
Roper Greyell
Blue Ruby Farm