Our club will hold our AGM at Cypress Mountain. All members invited to attend. It is a great opportunity to get to know parents, coaches and Board members. More details to be announced as the date approaches
U8, U10, and U12 athletes and their families are invited to this club event. RENTALS Rentals and helmets are not included. Helmets are required for everyone under 13 years. More skating information. FOOD A delivery of pizza had been arranged for those who RSVP'd. Food and drink is not permitted on the ice.
All club athletes, from all divisions and days, are invited to this fun filled day to end the season. Everyone is encouraged to wear a costume (go all out or decorate your helmet) and parents are welcome to participate. There will be a lunch break as usual, so pack your backpacks, pocket snacks, and don’t […]
The winner will receive 50% of ticket sales up to a maximum of $20,000 in ticket sales, for a maximum take home amount of $10,000 CAD.