After all shuffling them from school to their sport practice, acquiring the necessary equipment, deal with injuries and juggling time between school, sports and social activities is tough.

But certainly being active throughout a lifetime is a must to lead a healthy life. Sport and physical activity in itself may not directly lead to benefits but, in combination with other factors, can promote healthy lifestyles. Participating, volunteering, coaching and organizing sport can improve a student’s employability, health, confidence and self-esteem. Familiarization with practicing sports should start at an early age so it becomes ingrained in the living habits of our children.


One of the most widely-used definitions of health is that of the WHO, which defines health as: “a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity”. This definition goes well beyond a condition of physical health but includes mental health and general well-being.


We ask you as a parent to become engaged with Cypress Ski Club, and through the marvelous sport of alpine skiing teach your children that pursuing a healthy lifestyle is paramount, and that through pursuing excellence in performance they will contribute widely to our well being as inhabitants of this planet.