Our 2015 AGM is coming up soon. We need all members to attend.

We will also take advantage of the occasion to welcome our members with hot dogs, hamburgers and a simple style buffet lunch.
Bring all the equipment you have for sale as a swap will also take place.
Schedule is as follows:
Lunch and equipment swap from 12 to 1pm
AGM 1 to 2pm.
I encourage all of you to please come and participate. To have a strong club, we need the help of all parents that sign up their children in the different programs. Without your support we can only do so much. Different tasks have to be fulfilled to make our club the
“PREMIER SKI CLUB OF THE NORTH SHORE”. So don’t be shy, come and make our skiing community strong. You will meet a fun, enthusiastic and supportive group of parents that love mountains and believe in skiing and racing as a fun and powerful educational tool for their children.

Notice of 29th Annual General Meeting

Cypress Ski Club



Notice is given that the 29th Annual General Meeting of the Cypress Ski Club will be held from 1:00 pm-2:00 pm on Saturday, October 24th, 2015 at Cypress Mountain, West Vancouver, British Columbia






Verification of Quorum:


  1. Call to Order


  1. Presidents opening remarks


  1. Approve Agenda


  1. 2014-15 Board Reports
  1. President’s Report for 2014-15 Season
  2. Treasurer’s Report


  1. New Business – Procedure for Voting
    1. Nominees of members as Club Directors
    2. Election
    3. Motion to authorize new Directors to conduct business of the club


  1. 2015-16 Board Reports
    1. President’s Report for 2015-16 Season


  1. Termination
    1. Motion to terminate the Cypress Ski Club 29th Annual General Meeting


  1. Open Forum- Questions and Answers





Nominees for Club Directors


President: Eric Konigsmann


Vice-President: vacant


Treasurer: Paul Kevener


Registrar: Susan Horne


Alpine Committee: Ron Wakkary


Sponsorship: Joel Emery


Volunteer Coordinator: Liisa Wagner


Secretary: Liz Gandhi